(941) 926-9463

Cantina Dorgali 2017 Vigna di Isalle Cannonau di Sardegna


Sardinia Italy
Rick Montgomery 90 Rating
Patience will be rewarded with this hearty, delicious red from Sardinia. Long known as a “Blue Zone” where people live long and healthy lives, credit has been attributed to their native Cannonau grape, which this wine proudly displays. A wine that can be decanted, it is a full bodied red with powerful aromas of rustic, cured meats followed with leathery, rich deep flavors. Long believed to be related or even the same grape as the Spanish Garnacha or French Grenache, it has been determined that that the Cannonau is indeed its own unique grape and one which you should procure for your health and delight.
Buy this one by the 12pk for $14.00 per bottle

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